Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 April 2024.

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP is a Scottish headquartered law firm providing legal advice to commercial, public sector and private clients with both UK and global interests across a diverse range of sectors. The group has offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, Aberdeen and Dublin. For information about how we are regulated, please see the Legal and Regulatory information on our website.

Policy and Supply chains

We are committed to ensuring that modern slavery or human trafficking has no presence within our business or supply chains. We review our policies and procedures regularly to ensure they remain fair, inclusive and compliant.

Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy outlines our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and our expectations of contractors, suppliers and business partners to meet the same standards. Our Procurement Policy requires us to monitor our key suppliers and seek confirmation that they comply with applicable anti-slavery legislation. A questionnaire is sent to all key suppliers asking them for details of their approach to diversity and inclusive work practices.

We are an accredited Living Wage employer which means we pay all colleagues at least the living wage and ensure it also applies to regularly contracted staff.


We require all colleagues in management roles and in roles relating to procurement or recruitment to undertake a mandatory training module on Understanding Modern Slavery. This training must be undertaken at least every two years.


Andrew Blain, Managing Partner
Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP 
30 August 2024


Previous Statements:

2023 Modern Slavery Statement
2022 Modern Slavery Statement
2021 Modern Slavery Statement