Shepherd and Wedderburn supports launch of Strathclyde Centre for Antitrust Law and Empirical Study (SCALES)

30 August 2019

Shepherd and Wedderburn supports launch of Strathclyde Centre for Antitrust Law and Empirical Study (SCALES)

Shepherd and Wedderburn is delighted to support the launch of the Strathclyde Centre for Antitrust Law and Empirical Study (SCALES).

SCALES, a University of Strathclyde Law School initiative, will focus primarily on competition/antitrust law and policy and how it is enforced, in particular in the context of its impact on modern technological sectors.

As an example, the centre will consider the competition law and policy impacts of network platforms and big data (such as Google).

Academics based at the University of Strathclyde Law School, with assistance from experts in other disciplines, will research the practical and policy aspects of enforcement, such as the required co-ordination by enforcement authorities to tackle anti-competitive issues and the impact on consumers, using collaborative and comparative research, particularly in relation to the EU and China.

The centre, led by leading competition law academic Professor Barry Rodger, will have its official launch on 22 October 2019.

Shepherd and Wedderburn is sponsoring the SCALES launch event, which will hear from keynote speakers Professor Richard Whish QC (Hon), Emeritus Professor of Law at King’s College London and co-author of Competition Law 8th Edition; and Dr Or Brook, a lecturer in Competition Law at the University of Leeds.

John Grady, a Partner in Shepherd and Wedderburn’s competition law group, who will also be speaking at the launch event, said: “One of the most exciting elements of SCALES is the opportunity it will provide for discussion between the academic, regulatory, business and legal community in Scotland and internationally.”

“As part of our support, we look forward to attending the various roundtables and other events that SCALES will hold during its first year.”