High Court Upholds Bullying and Harassment Claim

In Green v DB Group Services Limited, the High Court upheld an employee's claim of bullying and harassment and awarded £800,000 in damages on the basis that the employer had breached its duty of care towards the employee. The largest part of the award was £640,000 awarded for future loss of earnings and pension and this marks the case out as being unusual.

The implications of this case will be discussed in our next publication.

6 August 2006

In Green v DB Group Services Limited, the High Court upheld an employee's claim of bullying and harassment and awarded £800,000 in damages on the basis that the employer had breached its duty of care towards the employee. The largest part of the award was £640,000 awarded for future loss of earnings and pension and this marks the case out as being unusual.

The implications of this case will be discussed in our next publication.