Food and Drink Newsletter - May 2016

In this edition we cover some topical matters – there have been many recent changes in food audit practices and we take a look at what the latest changes may entail. We also look at crisis management, providing details of an important workshop being run by the Scottish Food and Drink Federation, at which Shepherd and Wedderburn is presenting.

30 May 2016

Welcome to our latest edition of Food & Drink, designed to bring you topical content and comment from our people working in this dynamic and growing sector. 

In this issue we cover matters such as the proposed sugar tax and reflect on the successful crisis management seminar held in conjunction with the Scottish Food and Drink Federation in March — you can read an article by one of our speakers, Mandy Deeley, inside. 

We look forward to seeing some of you at the Scotland Food & Drink Excellence Awards Dinner in June at the EICC where we are once again category sponsor for Best Alcoholic Drink. 

Click here to download the newsletter.