Unlocking Success in Hospitality: Visas, Tourist Taxes, and Hotel market trends

Wednesday 20 September 2023 | 10:00am - 11:00am (UK Time)
60 Minutes CPD

Unlocking Success in Hospitality: Visas, Tourist Taxes, and Hotel market trends

Wednesday 20 September 2023 | 10:00am – 11:00am

For hoteliers, funders, agents and key operators in the UK hospitality and leisure sector, there is no shortage of risks in a challenging trading environment. 

However, there are also emerging opportunities for those agile enough to adapt to market conditions.

This event qualifies for 60 minutes CPD.



Jamie GrantJohn Vassiliou and Scott Ritchie - legal experts from the Shepherd and Wedderburn Hospitality and Leisure team - are joined by Andrew Robb, Chief Financial Officer at RBH Hospitality Management for an insightful conversation on key legal and commercial issues for the industry, including:

  • Immigration and solving the talent crisis in hospitality
  • The impact of a potential tourist tax
  • Hotel market transactions and trends.