Shepherd and Wedderburn speaks at Capita’s seminars on March Budget 2016 and Pension Changes

29 March 2016

Shepherd and Wedderburn speaks at Capita’s seminars on March Budget 2016 and Pension Changes

In the wake of the Chancellor’s March 2016 Budget announcements, Capita, one of the largest employee benefit consultancies in the UK, is holding a series of briefing seminars to discuss the announcements and what they mean for those with responsibility for running pension schemes and developing employee benefit strategies. 

The focus of the breakfast meetings will lie on the introduction of a new Lifetime ISA for the under under 40s, which will bring pensions and ISAs closer together and will impact on benefit strategy, member engagement and auto enrolment/re-enrolment.

Following two successful London seminars, the event is moving north to Scotland, where two further sessions will take place on 30 March in Glasgow and 31 March in Edinburgh.

Edwin Mustard, Partner in Shepherd and Wedderburn’s Pensions group, joins the panel of expert speakers who will share their views on the announcements and the impact on DB and DC schemes, as well as employee benefit and reward strategy. With extensive experience in advising companies, trustees and financial institutions on all aspects of pensions law, he is ideally placed to cover the legal aspects of the Budget announcements.

Edwin chairs the Scottish group of the Association of Pension Lawyers and is regularly listed in legal directories as a leader in the field of pensions law.

Edwin Mustard ,