Shepherd and Wedderburn to Sleep in the Park to help put an end to homelessness

15 November 2017

Shepherd and Wedderburn to Sleep in the Park to help put an end to homelessness

Five intrepid Shepherd and Wedderburn lawyers, including Stephen Gibb, the firm’s Chief Executive, will don their waterproofs, clamber into their sleeping bags and brave the winter weather next month to take part in the biggest ever charity sleepout.

Sleep in the Park, which takes place in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh, on 9 December, will see 9,000 people spend the night outdoors to raise funds to tackle homelessness in Scotland.

The sleepout is being organised by Social Bite, a social business that is committed to addressing the root causes of homelessness. Social Bite hopes to eradicate homelessness in Scotland over a five-year period by providing people with housing, rehabilitation, job opportunities and the support they need to get back on their feet.

To help bolster their efforts, the team is hosting a silent auction for two sets of tickets to the Sleep in the Park Corporate Lunch. The lunch will provide the opportunity to hear from people who have contended with homelessness themselves, and will also feature appearances by John Cleese, Rob Brydon, Sir Bob Geldof and Josh Littlejohn MBE, the founder of Social Bite. 

The Shepherd and Wedderburn team is committed to doing its part to help end the scourge of homelessness, which affects more than 34,000 people in Scotland.