Shepherd and Wedderburn lawyer invited to speak at SA Regulatory Conference

12 March 2014

Shepherd and Wedderburn lawyer invited to speak at SA Regulatory Conference

Fiona Parker, a lawyer at UK law firm Shepherd and Wedderburn, has been invited to speak at the 2nd South African Economic Regulators Conference (SAERC), 18/19 March in Johannesburg, South Africa.  The conference aims to provide a platform for debate on key issues in the field of Economic Regulations, and will attract a wide range of participants from academia as well as the energy, water, communications, financial services, ports and transport sectors.

An acknowledged regulatory specialist, Fiona advises on matters of economic regulation and competition law.  She supports regulators and the companies they regulate in both the day to day operation and the overall design of their regulatory systems.  She has project managed the introduction of water and sewerage retail competition in Scotland, and it is this work and experience Fiona has been invited to share with the audience in South Africa.

Titled – ‘Competition without privatisation: the Scottish model of governance and regulation’, Fiona will speak on the Scottish model of water ownership and regulation, the paper was co-authored with Dr. Sarah Hendry of IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science at the University of Dundee. Scotland has taken a relatively unique approach to its system of water regulation and its model has delivered significant capital and operational efficiencies, reduced prices and water use.

This invitation is further testament to Shepherd and Wedderburn’s regulatory and credentials and our ability to lead the debate on energy and water markets throughout the world.

Over 350 delegates from South African economic regulators, academia, government departments, research institutions and various think tanks, will come to hear from more than 50 speakers covering a diverse range of topics.

Commenting, Fiona said; ‘I am delighted to have been invited to speak.  The work we have been doing here in Scotland is already delivering real benefits for Scottish businesses and customers and I look forward to exploring how it may be of use to other countries.”