Shepherd and Wedderburn help families in crisis

31 March 2014

Shepherd and Wedderburn help families in crisis

In the weeks before Christmas, staff at leading UK law firm Shepherd and Wedderburn donated food items to the Trussell Trust 's North West Edinburgh and Glasgow South East food banks.

Over 145kg of non-perishable food items such as pasta, cereals, tea bags, coffee, tinned meat, fish and biscuits were donated and collected by staff at the firm, and later delivered to the food banks.

13 million people in the UK are believed to live below poverty with many of them going hungry on a daily basis. The rising cost of food and fuel, combined with low or static incomes, high unemployment and changes to benefit rules means that more and more people are turning to food banks for help. The Trussell Trust food banks provide emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK.

Through the support of Shepherd and Wedderburn seven families and one single person received three nutritionally balanced meals for three days over the festive period.