Scotland showcases its tradition of excellence and innovation

19 April 2017

Scotland showcases its tradition of excellence and innovation

Scotland’s continuation as a world class player in originating and developing new and emerging technologies will be in evidence tonight at the Made in Scotland Awards, which take place at the Glasgow Science Centre.

Now in its second year, the event is designed to highlight transformational discoveries and developments originating in Scotland. In life sciences for instance, a sector which has shown phenomenal growth in the noughties, and now employs 37,000 people across Scotland, two companies – Ingenza Ltd and Sartorius Stedim BioOutsource Ltd – are among nominees whose work the event will showcase.

Featuring among the other award categories are engineering; new product development; and food and drink. Nominated for an award in the last category, The Scottish Salmon Company is hoping to be recognised for its work in introducing the consumer to a new native species of fish, a unique native strain of salmon – the Hebridian, which is found only in the Hebrides.

But, beyond Scotland’s shores, Made in Scotland will celebrate the country’s success stories.  Scotland generates £16.4 billion in exports internationally, along with £49.8 billion to the rest of the UK.  There are three companies shortlisted vying for the title of ‘Exporter of the Year’.

The Awards organisers emphasise that although Scotland is small, it continues to punch above its weight when it comes to innovation in business and, despite recent forecasts, the future looks bright. According to ScotlandIS, 82% of businesses expect sales to increase in 2017, and 78% have a “very optimistic” or “optimistic” view for the year ahead.

Shepherd and Wedderburn is proud to a part of this tradition of innovation and excellence, supporting and advising a wide range of businesses that are putting Scotland at the forefront of innovation. In 2016 alone, corporate team acted on over 72 deals spanning worth £5.7 billion in 12 sectors, including: energy and natural resources; media and technology;  life sciences; and financial services.  These sectors encompass some of the most innovative and forward thinking companies in Scotland, from large multinationals to owner-operated SMEs.