Preparing for Brexit: funding for legal work

The Scottish Government offers funding packages of between £2,000 and £4,000 for businesses seeking professional support to prepare for Brexit; Shepherd and Wedderburn can provide a bespoke quote for your funding application.

26 November 2019

The Scottish Government offers funding packages for businesses seeking professional support to prepare for Brexit.

Funding of between £2,000 and £4,000 is available to qualifying small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The qualifying criteria for SMEs is they are independent, employing up to 250 employees and generating annual turnover not in excess of 50 million Euros; and/or with a total annual balance sheet not exceeding 45 million Euros.

For businesses interested in accessing this support, we can provide a bespoke quote for your funding application.

Our service can include an on-site visit to your business to meet your key team, and deliver an interactive workshop advising on your pre-identified areas of concern.

These workshops will be delivered by a team with specialist knowledge of your sector, who can advise on how best to address your concerns, be those issues around HR/people, supply chain, intellectual property or regulatory issues.

Why apply for funding?

Firstly, the funding application is fairly quick and straightforward and we can assist you with your application. 

You will leave our workshops with a much clearer understanding on how Brexit could impact your business, and what steps you should take to best mitigate against the various Brexit outcomes.

Our view is that preparedness is key. We as a firm have taken action ourselves to protect against such eventualities, opening an office in Dublin and getting a number of our lawyers qualified in Irish law in preparation to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients in navigating Brexit-related changes.

Further, the funding can be a good opportunity to review your business in terms of both operations and opportunities, and is not dependent upon a particular Brexit outcome.