Updated pricing guidance published for Single Source Contracts

Single Source Regulation Office outlines revisions, following consultation, to its guidance on single source contracts for 2019/20. 

1 February 2019

Over the course of an eight-week consultation period, spanning October to December 2018, the Single Source Regulation Office (SSRO) invited responses from industry on proposed changes to the SSRO’s guidance on opinions and determinations in relation to single source contracts. 

The consultation focused on the requirements of Allowable Costs, research and development costs, and capital servicing adjustment on qualifying defence contracts (QDCs) or qualifying sub-contracts (QSCs). 

Having reviewed the responses to the consultation, the SSRO has elected to revise its guidance with changes for 2019/20. 

The consultation outcome document is available here, and the changes set out in it will apply to QDCs and QSCs entered into on and after 1 April 2019.

The SSRO will publish revised pricing documents in full in March 2019.

Further reading: Implementing electronic invoicing in public procurement Further reading: Public sector procurement in a ‘no-deal’ Brexit scenario