It's in the post

Despite the rise of social media, email and a vast array of internet based communications services, post still remains an important means of communications, although the number of letters sent in the UK is in rapid decline. At the same time as letters are rapidly declining, parcel growth is increasing, as consumers increasingly move to online shopping. Developments in both the UK and Europe set the scene for potential postal changes, particularly with regards to parcels and prove an interesting comparison with regulation in telecoms on similar issues.

17 November 2016

Despite the rise and rise of social media, email and a vast array of over the top internet based communications services, post still remains an important means of communications, although the number of letters sent in the UK is in rapid decline. At the same time as letters are rapidly declining, parcel growth is increasing, as consumers increasingly move to online shopping.

Developments in both the UK and Europe set the scene for potential postal changes, particularly with regards to parcels and prove an interesting comparison with regulation in telecoms on similar issues.

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