Brexit: What to make of Directives?

The Great Repeal Bill seems to make no clear provision for EU Directives to play a role in the UK domestic legal scene following Brexit. The UK Government ought to clarify its plans as regards these crucial internal market measures, in the interests of assisting firms and their advisers in their Brexit preparations. 

24 July 2017

The Great Repeal Bill (or European Union (Withdrawal) Bill as it is now known) seems to make no clear provision for EU Directives to play a role in the UK domestic legal scene following Brexit. The UK Government ought to clarify its plans as regards these crucial internal market measures, in the interests of assisting firms and their advisers in their Brexit preparations. 

The EU Directive – A tool for frameworks
Article 288 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union provides that a directive, “shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods”. 

This core feature of directives (binding as to result only) makes them ideally suited for the purpose of setting a policy framework at EU level with Member States then more or less free, within that constraint, to legislate for their own particular circumstances. 

Indeed, directives themselves often contain language which explicitly describes them as setting frameworks. Take, for instance, “Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy” which is better known as ‘the Water Framework Directive’.

Directives are ubiquitous in the context of framework-setting, not only in fields such as environmental policy, but in many other areas. They play a particularly important role in EU internal market policy, setting out the ground rules and EU-wide supervisory and oversight arrangements for many internal market regulatory regimes (such as those for financial services, energy, telecoms, transport and procurement).

Brexit and the need for 'Common Frameworks'
In its white paper for the Great Repeal Bill (“Legislating for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union”, March 2017 (Cm 9446)), the UK Government had the following to say (at page 7):

“As we leave the EU, we have an opportunity to ensure that returning powers sit closer to the people of the United Kingdom than ever before. In some areas where the existence of common frameworks at EU level has also provided common UK frameworks, it will be important to ensure that this stability and certainty are not compromised.

Examples of where common UK frameworks may be required include where they are necessary to protect the freedom of business to operate across the UK single market and to enable the UK to strike free trade deals”.

In chapter 4 of the white paper entitled, “Interaction with the devolution settlements”, the Government went into some detail on the question of ‘common frameworks’ with the following: 

“4.2  In areas where the devolved administrations and legislatures have competence, such as agriculture, environment and some transport issues, the devolved administrations and legislatures are responsible for implementing the common policy frameworks set by the EU. At EU level, the UK Government represents the whole of the UK’s interests in the process for setting those common frameworks and these also then provide common UK frameworks, including safeguarding the harmonious functioning of the UK’s own single market. When the UK leaves the EU, the powers which the EU currently exercises in relation to the common frameworks will return to the UK, allowing these rules to be set here in the UK by democratically-elected representatives.

4.3 As powers are repatriated from the EU, it will be important to ensure that stability and certainty is not compromised, and that the effective functioning of the UK single market is maintained. Examples of where common UK frameworks may be required include where they are necessary to protect the freedom of businesses to operate across the UK single market and to enable the UK to strike free trade deals with third countries. Our guiding principle will be to ensure that no new barriers to living and doing business within our own Union are created as we leave the EU.

4.4  To provide the greatest level of legal and administrative certainty upon leaving the EU, and consistent with the approach adopted more generally in legislating for the point of departure, the Government intends to replicate the current frameworks provided by EU rules through UK legislation. In parallel we will begin intensive discussions with the devolved administrations to identify where common frameworks need to be retained in the future, what these should be, and where common frameworks covering the UK are not necessary. Whilst these discussions are taking place with devolved administrations we will seek to minimise any changes to these frameworks. We will work closely with the devolved administrations to deliver an approach that works for the whole and each part of the UK”.

How does the Bill deal with Directives?
In light of the various statements in the white paper, people may have expected the Bill to have had quite a bit to say about the way in which EU Directives (and the EU-wide policy frameworks which they establish) would provide a basis, in domestic law, for the sort of UK-wide common frameworks described in the white paper.

They would, however, have been disappointed. There is actually very little said in the Bill about Directives and, strikingly, most of the provisions dealing with the domestication of EU law are concerned with excluding them from legal landscape. 

Clauses 2 to 5 of the Bill deal with the incorporation of existing EU law into UK domestic law to create a new body of, so called, “retained EU law” which comprises:

  • any EU-derived domestic legislation on the UK statute book when Brexit occurs (which would implicitly include any UK legislation implementing a Directive) (clause 2),
  • any directly applicable EU Regulations and EU Decisions which apply in the UK on Brexit day (clause 3); and
  • any EU rights, powers, liabilities, obligations, restrictions, remedies and procedures recognised in domestic law at Brexit by virtue of s.2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972 (clause 4). 

Interestingly, this final category explicitly excludes rights etc., arising under EU Directives (clause 4(2)(b)).

Henry VIII to the rescue?
In fact, the only provision in the Bill which could (potentially) be used to translate an EU-wide framework in a Directive into a corresponding UK-wide common framework, is clause 7 which contains some of the Bill’s much criticised ‘Henry VIII powers’.  Clause 7 confers sweeping legislative powers on UK Ministers in order to “prevent, remedy or mitigate” what are described as “deficiencies” in retained EU law arising from the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU. 

Among the deficiencies identified in clause 7, is where the relevant Minister considers that retained EU law, “does not contain any functions or restrictions which (i) were in an EU directive and in force immediately before exit day (including any power to make EU tertiary legislation) and (ii) it is appropriate to retain” (clause 7(2)(f)).

It remains to be seen how the proposed Henry VIII powers in clause 7 survive Parliamentary scrutiny, but even assuming that they do survive into the eventual Act it is not at all clear that the task of creating a UK-wide common framework out of the EU-wide framework established by an EU Directive could realistically be characterised as an exercise of 'remedying a deficiency' in some other provision of retained EU law. 

It is important that the UK Government clarifies:

  • first, the relationship between (a) its proposed UK-wide common frameworks and (b) the EU-wide frameworks presently established by Directives; and  
  • second, the legislative mechanism by which these UK-wide common frameworks are to be established;
  • so that businesses and their advisers can plan properly for the coming process of legislating for Brexit and for their future operations within the UK internal market.