International Women's Day: Inspire Inclusion

Wednesday 6 March 2024 | 10:00am - 11:00am (UK Time)
Minutes CPD

International Women's Day: Inspire Inclusion

Wednesday 6 March 2024 | 10:00am - 11:00am

Everyone has the power and responsibility to promote inclusivity - whether that’s in our communities, our homes or our workplaces.

To truly include women means to openly embrace their diversity of race, age, ability, faith, body image, and how they identify. Worldwide, women must be included in all fields of endeavour.

This year, at Shepherd and Wedderburn, we are focusing on inspiring inclusion in traditionally male-dominated industries. 

By promoting and supporting the participation of women in these industries, it not only enables women to thrive and contribute their valuable expertise, but also strengthens the sense of community and collaboration among us all.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we invite you to join our inspirational panel on Wednesday 6 March for a virtual event exploring how we can inspire inclusion and our speakers’ real-life experiences of being women in male-dominated fields. Our panel will discuss: 

  • The challenges they’ve faced but also the progress that’s been made;
  • What inclusion means to them; and
  • The part role models can play in inspiring inclusion.