Your quick guide to the Right to Roam

What does the right to roam mean for individuals wanting to access someone else’s land? And what rights do landowners have over their own property? We’ve put together a quick guide with all the information you'll need. 

30 August 2017

Scotland is renowned for its natural beauty and grand landscapes. What’s more, in Scotland we have world class legislation which provides for public access to most land and water. The right to roam has been embodied as a statutory right since 2005 and it allows everyone access to most land and inland water in Scotland for recreational and other purposes.
But what does the right to roam mean for individuals wanting to access someone else’s land? And what rights do landowners have over their own property? We’ve put together a quick guide, which you can download below, outlining the dos and don’ts for both individuals and landowners regarding the right to roam.


And if you’re looking for more details on what your rights and responsibilities are, you can download our comprehensive right to roam briefing below.

To view our briefing note, click here.

If you have any queries about this guide or wish to discuss how public access rights affect you in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact Hamish Lean, Stephanie Hepburn or Emma De Sailly, or your usual Shepherd and Wedderburn contact.